A Crack in the Mask: The Felt Sense Method

Chapter Nine YOGA The grandeur of yoga asana goes far beyond the scope of this chapter. I honor and give credit to my teachers and to the principles of yoga, which have provided the guiding light for the Felt Sense Method. IyengarYoga Iyengar yoga is an approach to hatha yoga developed by B. K. S. Iyengar, who lives in Pune, India. Mr. Iyengar started his study of yoga at the age of sixteen and taught his first yoga class in 1936. Light on Yoga, the first of his many books, was published in 1966. From his personal practice and through his deep self-study and observations, his profound understandings of the body/posture relationship developed to what is known worldwide as Iyengar yoga. He has translated his understanding through his many books and articles and personally transmits his profound understanding and insights to his students, of whom I am honored to be one. Iyengar yoga was built on his conscious awareness of postural alignment and precise movements. Geeta Iyengar, the eldest daughter of B. K. S. Iyengar, is carrying on his tenets but from the viewpoint of a woman. Her landmark book is Yoga, A Gem for Women, was first published in 1983. Prashant Iyengar, Mr. Iyengar’s only son, has written many articles on the physiological aspect of yoga. 119

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